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不動産業、ルームクリーニングを行っております。求人は随時募集中! 英語でのお問い合わせも対応可能です。 返信までにお時間がかかる事がございますが、ご了承くださいませ。 Please note that it may take some time for us to reply.



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清掃1部屋あたり1800円 国頭郡 金武
主婦の方、大学生、高校生もOK! ルームクリーニングスタッフの募集です! 業務内容: お客様チェックアウト後のお掃除、ベッドセット、アメニティ補充など HP https://bloomin-cleanstaff.hp.peraichi.com ★各部屋共に、ベッド2台の1Rになります。一部屋1800円 ★予約状況により、1〜4部屋の清掃になります。 ★ご希望の日に、10:00〜15:00までの時間帯で清掃していただきます。終わり次第直帰でOK! ★お子様連れで業務可能。(他のお客様がご宿泊の為、静かにお願いいたします) ★未経験の方も、スタッフから丁寧にお仕事を教わる事ができます。 応募条件: 責任感をもって業務出来る方 報告、連絡、相談がしっかり出来る方 LINEの返信が早い方 ★出張アロマエステスタッフ 10:00〜18:00の中でお好きな時間でOK! 日給は60分バック3000円〜 アロマを使用したリラクゼーションです。 お客様は家族連れ、カップルもいらっしゃいます。 英語が話せなくても外国人OKの方を募集します。 丁寧な研修もございますのでご安心ください。 面接のご希望は画像2枚目QRコードまたは以下リンクからお願いいたします。 https://forms.gle/LrAKtVFXXtUGeDT76


50,000円 世田谷区
【激安都内賃貸物件!5-6万円台!】内見可能になった物件を一足お先にご紹介。お引っ越し予定の方はお気軽にお問い合わせください! #japan #realestate #Global #realestatetips #rentalproperty #realestateinvesting #realestatebroker #realestateinvestor #japanese #realestateagent #realestateagency #tokyo #都内 #世田谷区 #北区 #杉並区 #駅近 #綾瀬 #下高井戸 #京王線 #経堂 #東十条 #near the station #cheapproperties #賃貸物件 #激安 #一人暮らし

Overseas applicants are also welcome to apply:)Brokerage of rental properties and real estate

【Global Real Estate Tokyo】賃貸物件と不動産売買の仲介 川崎、横浜、厚木、海老名、平塚、湘南方面も! We support those who want to buy a property in Japan or rent a property. We also have a lot of experience in real estate sales for foreigners. Please do not hesitate to consult with us:) We provide support for foreigners such as public procedures at government offices and procedures for starting gas, electricity, and water supply. We will guide foreigners in multiple languages such as English, French, Korean, Tagalog, Portuguese, etc. *We do not accept communications that are not related to real estate operations. #realestate #Global #realestatetips #rentalproperty #realestateinvesting #japantrip #realestatebroker #realestateinvestor #japanese # realestateagent #realestateagency #global real estate #tokyo #very cheap #rent #kanagawa #near station #yokohama #pet friendly #with internet #shinjuku #shinagawa #minatoku #meguro #azabu #jiyugaoka #chuuoku #ota川崎

【Foreigners applicants are also welcome to apply:)Brokerage of rental properties and real estate sales in Japan .

【Global Real Estate Tokyo】賃貸物件と不動産売買の仲介 川崎、横浜、厚木、海老名、平塚、湘南方面も! We support those who want to buy a property in Japan or rent a property. We also have a lot of experience in real estate sales for foreigners. Please do not hesitate to consult with us:) We provide support for foreigners such as public procedures at government offices and procedures for starting gas, electricity, and water supply. We will guide foreigners in multiple languages such as English, French, Korean, Tagalog, Portuguese, etc. *We do not accept communications that are not related to real estate operations.#realestate #Global #realestatetips #rentalproperty #realestateinvesting #japantrip #realestatebroker #realestateinvestor #japanese # realestateagent #realestateagency #global real estate #tokyo #very cheap #rent #kanagawa #near station #yokohama #pet friendly #with internet #shinjuku #shinagawa #minatoku #meguro #azabu #jiyugaoka #chuuoku #otaku

Brokerage of rental properties and real estate sales in Japan .

【Global Real Estate Tokyo】賃貸物件と不動産売買の仲介 川崎、横浜、厚木、海老名、平塚、湘南方面も! We support those who want to buy a property in Japan or rent a property. We also have a lot of experience in real estate sales for foreigners. Please do not hesitate to consult with us:) We provide support for foreigners such as public procedures at government offices and procedures for starting gas, electricity, and water supply. We will guide foreigners in multiple languages such as English, French, Korean, Tagalog, Portuguese, etc. *We do not accept communications that are not related to real estate operations.#realestate #Global #realestatetips #rentalproperty #realestateinvesting #japantrip #realestatebroker #realestateinvestor #japanese # realestateagent #realestateagency #global real estate #tokyo #very cheap #rent #kanagawa #near station #yokohama #pet friendly #with internet #shinjuku #shinagawa #minatoku #meguro #azabu #jiyugaoka #chuuoku #otaku

【Overseas applicants are also welcome to apply:]Brokerage of rental properties and real estate sales in Japan

【Global Real Estate Tokyo】賃貸物件と不動産売買の仲介 川崎、横浜、厚木、海老名、平塚、湘南方面までご案内可能!外国籍の方もどうぞ。 We support those who want to buy a property in Japan or rent a property. We also have a lot of experience in real estate sales for foreigners. Please do not hesitate to consult with us! We provide support for foreigners such as public procedures at government offices and procedures for starting gas, electricity, and water supply. We will guide foreigners in multiple languages such as English, French, Korean, Tagalog, Portuguese, etc. *We do not accept communications that are not related to real estate operations. #realestate #Global #realestatetips #rentalproperty #realestateinvesting #japantrip #realestatebroker #realestateinvestor #japanese # realestateagent #realestateagency #global real estate #tokyo #very cheap #rent #kanagawa #near station #yokohama #pet friendly #with internet #shinjuku #shinagawa #minatoku #meguro #azabu #jiyugaoka #chuuoku #otaku

【Overseas applicants are also welcome to apply!東京、神奈川方面]Brokerage of rental properties and real estate sales in Japan .

【Global Real Estate Tokyo】賃貸物件と不動産売買の仲介 東京、神奈川方面のお部屋探しをサポートします! We support those who want to buy a property in Japan or rent a property. We also have a lot of experience in real estate sales for foreigners. Please do not hesitate to consult with us:) We provide support for foreigners such as public procedures at government offices and procedures for starting gas, electricity, and water supply. We will guide foreigners in multiple languages such as English, French, Korean, Tagalog, Portuguese, etc. *We do not accept communications that are not related to real estate operations. #realestate #Global #realestatetips #rentalproperty #realestateinvesting #japantrip #realestatebroker #realestateinvestor #japanese # realestateagent #realestateagency #global real estate #tokyo #very cheap #rent #kanagawa #near station #yokohama #pet friendly #with internet #shinjuku #shinagawa #minatoku #meguro #azabu #jiyugaoka #chuuoku #otaku

Overseas applicants are also welcome to apply:Brokerage of real estate sales.外国籍の方のお部屋探しをサポートします!

東京エリア、外国籍の方のお部屋探しをサポートします! We support those who want to buy a property in Japan or rent a property. We also have a lot of experience in real estate sales for foreigners. Please do not hesitate to consult with us:) We provide support for foreigners such as public procedures at government offices and procedures for starting gas, electricity, and water supply. We will guide foreigners in multiple languages such as English, French, Korean, Tagalog, Portuguese, etc. *We do not accept communications that are not related to real estate operations.#realestate #Global #realestatetips #rentalproperty #realestateinvesting #japantrip #realestatebroker #realestateinvestor #japanese # realestateagent #realestateagency #global real estate #tokyo #very cheap #rent #kanagawa #near station #yokohama #pet friendly #with internet #shinjuku #shinagawa #minatoku #meguro #azabu #jiyugaoka #chuuoku #ot23区

【Overseas applicants are also welcome to apply!Tokyo,Kanagawa]Rental properties and real estate sales

Hello! Do you need somebody's help? Pls Contact us:) We support those who want to buy a property in Japan or rent a property. We also have a lot of experience in real estate sales for foreigners. Please do not hesitate to consult with us:) We provide support for foreigners such as public procedures at government offices and procedures for starting gas, electricity, and water supply. We will guide foreigners in multiple languages such as English, French, Korean, Tagalog, Portuguese, etc. [Global real estate Tokyo] #realestate #Global #realestatetips #rentalproperty #realestateinvesting #japantrip #realestatebroker #realestateinvestor #japanese # realestateagent #realestateagency #global real estate #tokyo #very cheap #rent #kanagawa #near station #yokohama #pet friendly #with internet #shinjuku #shinagawa #minatoku #meguro #azabu #jiyugaoka #chuuoku #otaku

[Foreigner are also welcome!]Brokerage of rental properties and real estate sales

外国籍の方のお部屋探しをサポートします。実績多数あり! Brokerage of rental properties and real estate sales in Japan.[Global real estate Tokyo] We support those who want to buy a property in Japan or rent a property. We also have a lot of experience in real estate sales for foreigners. Please do not hesitate to consult with us:)[Global real estate Tokyo] We provide support for foreigners such as public procedures at government offices and procedures for starting gas, electricity, and water supply. We will guide foreigners in multiple languages such as English, French, Korean, Tagalog, Portuguese, etc. *We do not accept communications that are not related to real estate operations. #japan #realestate #Global #realestatetips #rentalproperty #realestateinvesting #japantrip #realestatebroker #realestateinvestor #japanese # realestateagent #realestateagency #global real estate #tokyo #very cheap #rent #kanagawa #near station #yokohama #pet friendly #with internet #shinjuku #shinagawa #minatoku #meguro #azabu #jiyugaoka #chuuoku #otaku

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