titleGoodGoodMac book air 2017 13インチ (ほあん) 南足柄のノートパソコンの中古あげます・譲ります|ジモティーで不用品の処分中古 売ります・あげます
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titleGoodGoodMac book air 2017 13インチ(投稿ID : 14lpu9)

更新2023年9月19日 17:15
作成2023年9月19日 16:39

startカラー···シルバー CPU種類···Corei5 画面サイズ···13インチ~14.5インチ OS···Mac OS メモリ···4GB~8GB未満 重量···~1.0kg未満 画面解像度···HD 2020年購入のノートブックpcです。 使用頻度はかなり少なめで、今も起動して動作します。 ですが PC自体はネット回線があれば問題なく使えますが、コンセントを指していないと充電がすぐに切れます。 なので、ジャンク寄りの商品です。 宜しくお願い致します。 附属は 本体 電源コード 箱付き になります。 #mac #アップル #macbookpro #mac #マック #Windows #pc #ウィンドウズ #macbookair #スティーブ・ジョブズ #iPhone #Android Climate change is a term used to refer to changes in climate due mainly to human impacts that change the components of the earth's atmosphere. This change combined with natural fluctuating factors leads to changes in climate over time. To put it simply, climate change is a change in the climate system from the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere to lithosphere in the present and the future. Climate change is a major environmental problem that humanity will have to face in the next few decades. 2021 has seen a series of extreme events globally. Among the many that have attracted headlines so far this year: Devastating floods in Australia, Europe, Asia and the Northeast United States, California's giant Dixie fire, now the second largest of the state of record; a US polar vortex event paralyzed Texas in February with frigid temperatures and widespread power outages. Subjective causes: Due to human impact on the natural environment, the increase in CO2 due to industrial production, deforestation, water use as well as other toxic gases are the causes leading to above situation. People need to raise awareness to join hands to protect the environment against the risk of climate change. Water pollution is the phenomenon in which rivers, lakes, seas, underground waters... are contaminated by activities of the natural environment and humans with toxic substances such as substances contained in pesticides, pesticides, etc. Untreated industrial waste...This widespread water pollution problem is endangering our health. Unsafe water kills more people each year than war and all other forms of violence combined. Meanwhile, our source of drinkable water is finite: Less than 1% of the earth's freshwater is actually accessible to us. According to the Center for Community Environmental Research, about 70% of wastewater from industrial parks is not treated but discharged directly into the environment. In densely populated areas - notably Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, you will certainly encounter a situation where river water turns black in many places, garbage floats and stinks. It's all due to the indifference and low awareness of a part of the people. Typically in Ho Chi Minh City, in rivers, the concentration of pollutants in water exceeds the allowed standard (from 1.5 to 3 times). The reality of water pollution in our country has led to terrible consequences for humans. Every year, international organizations continue to report very worrying numbers about water pollution in our country: Cause: Originates from human consciousness in daily life and production activities. Water sources from daily life and production are not treated but are discharged directly into the environment, polluting natural water sources. Population increases rapidly, household waste is congested and clogged, not recycled but discharged directly into the land and water environment. The process of industrialization and modernization develops, companies, factories, factories... spring up like mushrooms. Along with that, waste and industrial wastewater are widely discharged into rivers, streams, lakes, and land... Chemicals and heavy metals seep directly into water from rivers, streams, ponds, or lakes, or seep through the soil and pollute it. to groundwater. Water pollution not only leads to the potential risk of pathogens for humans but is also the cause of a shortage of fresh water in the future, polluted water leads to contamination of soil and underground water sources. ..To protect the water environment, we need to have more propaganda articles about environmental protection to raise community awareness, economically use and protect clean water sources, and treat domestic wastewater. activation and production before being released into the environment... Protecting biodiversity is a necessary activity to protect the environment. Biodiversity is a general term that refers to different species in nature. The current state of biodiversity loss is one of the global environmental issues that need attention. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) estimates there are about 22 million animal species. Of these, 1.5 million species have been described; 7 million are at risk of extinction in about 30 years; Three-quarters of the world's bird species are in decline; 1/4 of mammal species are at risk of extinction. Some of the causes of biodiversity loss include modern farming techniques, deforestation, and habitat destruction in wetlands and oceans. Conserving biodiversity can be done in two main ways: The environment is everything that surrounds us and is very friendly and close to us. Environment includes: natural environment and artificial environment. Natural environment includes: land, rivers, air, trees, plants, animals, etc. Artificial environment is created by humans such as roads, factories, plants, etc. The above topics all have a great impact on people's lives. Indeed! The environment has a close relationship with human life. The vast forests are like giant green lungs, bringing fresh air to people. Not only that, the forest also protects against storms and floods, and is the home of rare animals. Yet now forests are being mercilessly destroyed by human hands, leading to natural disasters and increasingly serious floods, leading to many heartbreaking scenes. On the other hand, water resources are also seriously polluted by waste from factories, leading to mass fish deaths. Domestic water sources are not guaranteed, leading to many dangerous diseases for humans. In large cities with large populations, roads and bridges are degraded and there is a lot of traffic, so the air is also heavily polluted, and traffic accidents are increasing, claiming many lives. In rural areas, because people's knowledge and level of knowledge are not high, the use of fertilizers and pesticides is ineffective. The above issues have helped us understand that the environment has a great impact on the health of the community in general and human life in particular. Every day, every hour, the environment is calling for help. So what must each of us do to protect our common home? There are many measures to keep the environment green - clean and beautiful. As students, we can join hands to plant trees, create forests, and plant trees around our living areas. Every day, we and our loved ones should collect waste together, dump it in the right place, recycle waste, and treat toxic waste before releasing it into the environment. Besides, we should actively respond to world environment day. The state should issue laws to limit the amount of CO2 emitted in industry; Limit the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and many other effective measures to protect our common home together. In short, the environment has a great impact on public health. So we must be conscious of preserving the living environment. As students, we should be conscious of planting more trees and keeping the school clean. By doing so, we have contributed to protecting our own lives. We are all living, studying and working together in the largest ecosystem, the earth. It is the place where we were born, the homeland associated with many precious memories. Yet now the earth is slowly dying due to the harmful effects of environmental pollution, many areas have reached alarming levels of environmental pollution, epidemics are becoming more and more serious due to the effects of environmental pollution. The main cause is humans. If we do not wake up in time and think about our indiscriminate and harmful actions, one day humanity will face the risk of extinction. . Indeed, our lives will be greatly damaged if each person is not conscious of protecting the environment, protecting the green lung that is dying on the scythe of death. To better understand the importance of the environment living environment with our lives, first of all, we need to understand the concept of living environment? So what is the living environment, what does it include that has such a serious impact on our lives? The answer is really simple because the living environment is everything that is around us. The living environment is not simply the house and company where we work, but it also includes other factors. Elements that provide us with life sources such as soil, water, air, creatures, etc. The living environment provides us with adequate material resources, food, houses, trees,... everything. are included in the living environment. To be able to survive, every second and every minute we need to use the living environment. The living environment is very important to humans but currently it is being seriously damaged by the indifference and indifference of some people. number of individuals and organizations. All causes stem from irresponsibility in order to gain profits for themselves, companies directly discharge untreated wastewater into the environment, polluting water sources, domestic wastewater, and directly dumped garbage. into rivers and seas without being collected. Furthermore, urbanization also greatly affects environmental quality. Dust and smoke from vehicles and toxic exhaust gases are emitted through the chimneys of factories. Trees - which are considered the green lungs of the earth - are also gradually being cut down to make room for planning land. cut down for construction materials, paper production, etc. Just like that, our living environment is degrading to an alarming level. Dust from vehicles and emissions from industrial plants cause causing the atmosphere to become polluted, wastewater and untreated waste polluting water sources, not treating agricultural waste such as pesticides and widespread use of chemical fertilizers also pollutes the soil. water pollution. Pollution is more pollution, the greenhouse effect causes climate change leading to abnormal rain and sunshine, rising temperatures, acid rain destroying vegetation that is working hard to save the atmosphere and ice in the ocean. The two poles melted, earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters also appeared one after another, claiming the lives of many people. Many of us often blame the erratic nature for harming humans, but they themselves do not understand that it is we who are changing nature, we are suffocating human life. ourselves, are sowing the seeds of death and disease. Talking about the harmful effects of environmental pollution, it is impossible not to mention its effects on human health. We live and work and need oxygen to breathe, but are you sure that your respiratory organs are not working too hard to purify CO2, N2,... and toxins in the air? Provide enough oxygen to help other parts of the body function normally. The article is about current environmental protection issues The century we are living in is an era of development. People are in a hurry, racing against time, but often forget the things around them. Development is accompanied by many consequences, the simplest of which is negative effects on the environment. We seem to forget that protecting the environment is protecting our lives. First of all we must understand what the environment is? We are all living, studying and working together in the largest ecosystem, the earth. It is the place where we were born, the homeland associated with many precious memories. Yet now the earth is slowly dying due to the harmful effects of environmental pollution, many areas have reached alarming levels of environmental pollution, epidemics are becoming more and more serious due to the effects of environmental pollution. The main cause is humans. If we do not wake up in time and think about our indiscriminate and harmful actions, one day humanity will face the risk of extinction. . Indeed, our lives will be greatly damaged if each person is not conscious of protecting the environment, protecting the green lung that is dying on the scythe of death. To better understand the importance of the environment living environment with our lives, first of all, we need to understand the concept of living environment? So what is the living environment, what does it include that has such a serious impact on our lives? The answer is really simple because the living environment is everything that is around us. The living environment is not simply the house and company where we work, but it also includes other factors. Elements that provide us with life sources such as soil, water, air, creatures, etc. The living environment provides us with adequate material resources, food, houses, trees,... everything. are included in the living environment. To be able to survive, every second and every minute we need to use the living environment. The living environment is very important to humans but currently it is being seriously damaged by the indifference and indifference of some people. number of individuals and organizations. All causes stem from irresponsibility in order to gain profits for themselves, companies directly discharge untreated wastewater into the environment, polluting water sources, domestic wastewater, and directly dumped garbage. into rivers and seas without being collected. Furthermore, urbanization also greatly affects environmental quality. Dust and smoke from vehicles and toxic exhaust gases are emitted through the chimneys of factories. Trees - which are considered the green lungs of the earth - are also gradually being cut down to make room for planning land. cut down for construction materials, paper production, etc. Just like that, our living environment is degrading to an alarming level. Dust from vehicles and emissions from industrial plants cause causing the atmosphere to become polluted, wastewater and untreated waste polluting water sources, not treating agricultural waste such as pesticides and widespread use of chemical fertilizers also pollutes the soil. water pollution. Pollution is more pollution, the greenhouse effect causes climate change leading to abnormal rain and sunshine, rising temperatures, acid rain destroying vegetation that is working hard to save the atmosphere and ice in the ocean. The two poles melted, earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters also appeared one after another, claiming the lives of many people. Many of us often blame the erratic nature for harming humans, but they themselves do not understand that it is we who are changing nature, we are suffocating human life. ourselves, are sowing the seeds of death and disease. Talking about the harmful effects of environmental pollution, it is impossible not to mention its effects on human health. We




投稿: 63


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