オーストラリア政府認定の Certificate Ⅳ in TESOL (投稿ID : c75hw)

更新2019年5月2日 08:09
作成2019年2月15日 11:51

オーストラリア政府認定の Certificate Ⅳ in TESOL

ウェブサイト: https://www.tokyotesol.com - Check us out


Certificate IV in TESOL(10695NAT)のコースを修了することによって以下の能力が得られます。









上記に加えて選択科目を1つ受講することが可能です (Certificate IV in TESOLの受講者のみ)。このコースの期間はパートタイムで約100週間です。

Diploma of TESOL(106888NAT)のコースを修了することによって、上記に加えてさらに以下の能力が得られます。


・Design an ESL Syllabus (a connected series of lessons to form a curriculum) to suit a group of learners







LTiのCertificate IV in TESOL とDiploma of TESOL の両方のコースは理論に関する学習と実地訓練によって構成されています。これにより、外国語としての英語を教えるための知識を学ぶだけでなく、ご自身で学ばれたことを実際の場面で生かすという実地経験が得られます。

TESOLのコースを修了することによって、オーストラリアもしくは海外で英語講師として働くチャンスが拓けます。Certificate IV in TESOLとDiploma of TESOLはオーストラリア政府によって認定されたコースであり国際的に広く認知されています。




ウェブサイト: https://www.asqa.gov.au/


Disclaimer: GBR Japan has partnered with Language Training Institute (LTi), a division of Universal Education and Training. (UNET) a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), RTO No. 30173. Once a student receives a satisfactory result for all required assessment tasks, a competent (C) outcome will be awarded for the entire unit.

1. Complete the LLN Test: http://bit.ly/LLNTEST

2. Enroll (We will email you the enrollment form)

More information: https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/10695NAT

Control Documen: http://bit.ly/TESOLCTRLDOC

David Robertson



Study an Australian Government accredited Certificate IV in TESOL now.

While the CELTA is 120 hours, the Cert.IV is around 350 total study and training hours as it is much more elaborate and thorough compared to the CELTA.

Location: Tokyo, Osaka, Kagoshima, Bangkok, Hua Hin, Manila, your choice.

All intensive and part time courses include:

・You can come to any seminar or webinar anywhere around the World.

・All training and assessment done by Australian Government accredited TESOL trainers and assessors.

・IELTS and TOEFL Trainer training

・Start training people using our IELTS and TOEFL products.

・Receive a commission on recruiting people IELTS and TOEFL courses. Earn 2000 yen per student you sign up.

・As we have recruiter status with a number of large institutes in Thailand and Japan, applying to find work is easy. (Also try gaijinpot.com and ajarn.com)

・Once a student receives a satisfactory result for all required assessment tasks, a competent (C) outcome will be awarded for the entire unit.

・You must successfully complete all workbooks before starting your practical placement.

Before starting your practical placement, all course fees must be paid.

Once a student receives a satisfactory result for all required assessment tasks, a competent (C) outcome will be awarded for the entire unit.

LTi was the first organisation in Australia to have a Cert IV in TESOL accredited by the Australian Government. Since then, thousands of students have completed the Certificate IV Course both in Australia and overseas. Now there is the option for all students to go on and complete the LTi Diploma of TESOL, which builds on Units from the Cert IV.

Both the Cert IV and Diploma are accredited by the Australian Government. This gives them both National and International recognition.

LTi offers both TESOL Courses by both Distance Education (to anyone, anywhere, anytime) and face to face classes in some locations. All students are given up to 2 years to complete the Cert IV Course and 2 and a half years for the Diploma unless the student opts to do the Course in a shorter time.

Every LTi student receives around 700 pages of printed or on-line course material. These materials include a 400 page 22 chapter textbook training manual titled "TESOL Made Practical For All Situations" which has been specially written to provide the content of the course.

All students are also given access to the LTi TOSS - TESOL On-line Student System. The LTi TOSS system also contains a large number of tutorial audio-visual presentations to help students complete the course assessments. Every student is allocated a trainer who is available to answer question and provide support as needed.

There are 9 Core Units that are common to both the Certificate IV and the Diploma. One elective is chosen from 7 electives for completion of the Cert IV and 5 additional units are completed for the diploma.

All students are required to have a genuine Practice Teaching experience which involves both observation of experienced teachers, and actual classroom teaching.

Both the Cert IV and Diploma courses are accredited by the Australian Government. Be careful of taking a course which is not accredited by any government authority of any country.

Be aware that these so called "International Courses" may have no credibility and may only be "recognized" by a limited number of institutions directly connected to to the TESOL provider offering the "non-accredited" course.

We can do this Tokyo and from home. Fantastic!

VIDEOS: http://bit.ly/DCRVID

We have a number of help groups for students to use:

IELTS: https://t.me/E2IELTS

TOEFL: https://t.me/E2TOEFL

OET: https://t.me/E2OET

Please tell all your friends to join each group.

TESOL: https://t.me/TokyoTESOL

Australian Education and Training: https://t.me/AUEDTR

What is E2? http://aet.asia/E2

About Me:


Our Locations:

Tokyo: 東京都豊島区南池袋

Osaka: 大阪府大阪市北区堂島

Kobe: 神戸市西区学園東町

Kagoshima: 鹿児島市下荒田

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直接/仲介 直接
開催場所 鹿児島県鹿児島市




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投稿: 222


オーストラリア政府認定の Certifi... 鹿児島 教室・スクール情報 を見ている人は、こちらの記事も見ています。





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